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Week 4 Review: Maintenance Mode

My sister and her family have arrived. The house is a complete mess but we’re having a great time. And really, it’s completely expected. We have twice as many people living here at the moment. I’m also really happy with the projects I accomplished this month. I can see how easily it will be to
Category: Clean & Organized House
Week 3 Review: Crystal Paine’s 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home Challenge

This week my plan was to follow Crystal Paine’s 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home Challenge more closely. I wasn’t able to complete everything but I’m really happy with what I did accomplish given the craziness of this past week. It’s been incredibly busy at work because of a couple of projects that are
Category: Clean & Organized House
Week 2 Review: A Clean & Organized Desk

This past week I was planning to follow Crystal Paine’s 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home Challenge. Since this was the second week of her challenge I decided to pick and choose tasks from the first two weeks to tackle. These are the tasks I completed this week: Cleaned out the refrigerator Cleaned out the
Category: Clean & Organized House
Creating a Memory Box

My son has been taking a Korean class since last fall and unfortunately there isn’t a lot of build-in review of the vocabulary. In addition, since the beginning of the year my son has been memorizing one Bible verse every week as part of Picture Book Preschool. We needed a system for regularly reviewing everything
Category: Clean & Organized House
Week 1 Review: Organizing My Child’s Artwork

For the first week of my 28 days to a clean and organized house experiment I’ve focused on getting a system in place to organize and archive all of the artwork and other papers that my 4-year old creates. I’m really pleased with the process so far. Taking the time to develop a system or
Category: Clean & Organized House
28 Days to a Clean & Organized House

In January I worked to remove the clutter from our home. In February I worked on setting goals every day. At this point I think I’m ready to tackle cleaning and organizing the house. It’s not that our house is extremely dirty or messy but it is to the point where the small messes and
Category: Clean & Organized House
A Month of Goal Setting

Today is the last day of February and I’ve completed my 28 day experiment of daily goal setting. I think the biggest benefit for me was the daily learning that happened as a result of setting and reviewing a few goals for each day. I learned some things about when I’m most productive. I learned
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Daily Goals for February 25, 26, & 27

Now that I’m nearing the end of this experiment I’m starting to really appreciate the benefits of writing down my daily goals and checking them in the morning and evening. I’ve been feeling less scattered, I think because I’ve been able to accomplish more of the smaller, nagging things that weigh on my mind. I’ve
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Daily Goals for February 21, 22, 23, & 24

After taking a bit of a break from daily goal setting I was ready to tackle the items that had been lingering. Typically when something upsets my routine it can take me a long time to get back on track. This experiment has been a good motivation to get back into the routine of daily
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Daily Grace

In my last post I mentioned that I had noticed that I’m more productive at the beginning of the week. I vowed to be more ambitious with my goals at that time and more relaxed towards the end of the week. I should have added, “God willing”. For the past 4 days all my daily
Category: Daily Goal Setting