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Daily Goals for February 13, 14, 15, & 16

Since I’ve started keeping daily goals I’ve noticed another pattern. I start out the week really well and then Thursday (my day in the office) through the weekend I’m much more scattered. I simply can’t get much done on the day I’m in the office since my commute totals about 3 hours. My time on
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Daily Goals for February 10, 11, & 12

So far I haven’t made my goals more specific as I intended. However, I have been more careful to review my goals at the beginning and middle of the day. That small change has made it much easier to check off small items from the list that just require me to be prepared to do
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Daily Goals for February 7, 8 & 9

Dinner was again a success tonight thanks to planning ahead of time. However, my other daily goals haven’t been working out as well. Something as simple as “call the bank” has been on my list for 3 days now and it still hasn’t happened. I’m realizing that for goals that require me to do something
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Daily Goals for February 5 & 6

Tonight’s dinner preparations went much more smoothly since I made it a goal to plan and shop ahead of time. I’ve also worked through a large pile of paperwork over the past three days by splitting up the task and working on one part each evening. Normally I feel like I need to do everything
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Daily Goals for February 3 & 4

My progress so far has been mixed. On the one hand I’ve felt more organized and was able to accomplish most of the items on my list. On the other hand, I still found myself not prepared in the ways I’d like to be. Just tonight I realized in the middle of cooking dinner that
Category: Daily Goal Setting
28 Days of Daily Goal Setting

For the month of February my 28 day experiment will be daily goal setting. I ended last month a bit discouraged by the clutter that still remains in my life. After reflecting on the reasons for this I realized that much of the physical and mental clutter comes from living my daily life without intentional
Category: Daily Goal Setting
Week 4 Review

My goal this week was to clean up the clutter on both my work and home computers. I’ve failed pretty miserably due to some unforeseen circumstances. I created an action plan which was actually very helpful, but I haven’t gotten through the list. On Saturday morning we were rear-ended while parked at a stop light. I am
Category: Removing Clutter
Action Plan for Removing Clutter on the Computer

My goal this week is to clean up the clutter on both my work and home computers. I’ve outlined my action plan below and what I’ve accomplished so far. ✓ Remove all files from home computer desktop. Either delete them or move them to an appropriate folder under Documents. ✓ Review all unread messages in work
Category: Removing Clutter
Week 3 Review

Despite being sick for much of this past week I ended up being quite productive. My goal was to focus on organizing and cleaning areas in our home that typically collect clutter, specifically my desk, the kitchen table, and our bookshelves. Here’s what I accomplished: Put away items that don’t belong on the kitchen table (papers,
Category: Removing Clutter
When Being Sick Clears Your Head

My plans to clean and organize the areas of our house that typically collect clutter have been thwarted by a cold. Both my son and I have been congested and coughing for the past 4 days. I’m starting to feel much better today and my son seems much better as well. It’s always struck me
Category: Removing Clutter