28 Days of Dan’s Plan


My 28 day experiment for April will be tracking my sleep and activity online using Dan’s Plan.  My husband gave me a Fitbit for Christmas and Dan’s Plan integrates with it (and other devices) to track your sleep and activity and motivate you to make improvements.

Since my son was born more than 4 years ago I haven’t been getting enough sleep. It’s a very rare day that I get 8 hours, and many days I get less than 7 hours of sleep.

My problem is that I struggle to get to bed on time. After my son is asleep around 9pm I usually clean the kitchen, shower, blog, read Facebook, clean the dog’s ears, etc. It’s usually 11pm or even midnight by the time I’m in bed and my son typically wakes up between 6 and 7am.

As far as activity goes I don’t exercise. I walk a decent amount but I also sit almost all day working on the computer. So I definitely need to improve in this area as well. Using the Fitbit which tracks your steps I’m going to aim for 10,000 steps per days. Currently I average about 6,000 steps.

Hiking Half Dome

My main reason for doing this experiment is to let go of trying to do too much. Forcing myself to get enough sleep and take the time to walk means that I won’t be able to accomplish as many things as I strive to. I hope this will stretch my trust in Jesus to provide for me and allow me to better submit myself to Him.

Gathering Data with Dan’s Plan >>