Week 1 Review


This first week of no sugar and no caffeine my goal was to read my Bible whenever I felt cravings so that I would learn to lean on Jesus rather than food. This turned out to be more difficult than I thought.

For one I often can’t tell whether I’m actually hungry and should eat or I’m just craving food for another reason. Second, I find myself in the kitchen starting to make something to eat before I even remember that I committed to reading the Bible first.

Here’s  a quick review of the week and what I ate. This isn’t comprehensive since I didn’t include all of the snacks I ate each day but it’s pretty close.

Day 1:

Day 1 No Sugar and No Caffeine

Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo
Macademia nuts, Banana with almond butter
Homemade chicken broth with seaweed and chicken
Salad with chicken and garlic sauce

Day 2:

Day 2 No Sugar and No Caffeine

Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo
Red curry with eggplant and carrots
In and Out burger patties with guacamole and onions

Day 3:

Day 3 No Sugar and No Caffeine

Scrambled eggs, avocado, and bacon
Banana with almond butter
Macademia nuts
Roasted beets

Day 4:

Day 4 No Sugar and No Caffeine

Vanilla Pancakes
Roasted beets
Salad with carrots, proscuitto, and garlic sauce
Zucchini Spaghetti (Zoodles) with ground beef

Day 5:

Day 5 No Sugar and No Caffeine

Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo
Banana with almond and coconut butter
Leftover Zucchini Spaghetti (Zoodles) with ground beef
Salad with leftover zucchini noodles, seaweed, proscuitto, and avocado

Day 6:

Day 6 No Sugar and No Caffeine

Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo with coconut butter
Leftover zucchini noodles and kim chi
Sugar Detox Pumpkin Cake in a Mug,
Grilled Green Chicken, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, seaweed

Day 7:

Day 7 No Sugar and No Caffeine

Omelette with spinach and mushrooms, avocado
Salad with leftover green chicken, cucumber, guacamole, turnips, and garlic sauce
Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Pops
Chipotle salad bowl with double carnitas, red sauce, and guacamole

I did manage to stick very closely to the plan of no sugar and no caffeine.  I think the only exception I made was a small wafer and sip of wine during Communion.

For this next week my goal is to spend more time read God’s Word for at least 10 minutes each day regardless of whether I’m experiencing any cravings or not. 

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