28 Days of Meditation

28 Days of Meditation: Part 1

I’ve decided to start this blog and my first 28 day experiment with meditation. For me this means sitting down in complete silence. My goal is 20 minutes a day for the next 28 days.

Why Meditation?

Most days sleep or Facebook or even doing the dishes seems more appealing than sitting down being quiet. For me, meditation is one of those things that feels like a waste of time in the moment. Especially when there are so many other things calling for my attention.


I know meditation is not a waste of time. I know God says in His word to “be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). I know the research shows great benefits for those who practice meditation. I know it’s helped my husband to deal with stress. I know, I know, I know. I don’t do.

How will meditation help me trust God?

Moving from knowledge to trusting God in my daily life is the main reason I started this blog. I get busy taking care of my son, working full-time, keeping the house in order, and basically trying to do everything on my own.

Making time to quiet my own thoughts is a small step towards giving up control over my life and giving God space to move in.

Your Thoughts Are Not the Boss of You >>