Top 5 Primal and Paleo Resources

When I first decided to try eating primally to see if it would help with my digestion and constipation issues I found Mark’s Daily Apple and read tons of his blog posts and the success stories on his site. As the months went on and I felt so much better I realized much of what
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Week 3 Review

This second week of no sugar and no caffeine my goal was to read God’s Word for at least 10 minutes each day. That again didn’t happen. I read my Bible 3 days this past week for about 10 minutes. I had determined that I would read my Bible after dropping my son off at
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Your Sugar Intake May Affect Your Menstrual Cycle Length

At the end of my week 3 review two days ago I mentioned that I expected this final week to be the hardest because I thought I was about a week away from the start of my period. During this time I usually eat a ridiculous amount of dark chocolate. So imagine my surprise when my period starts
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Fell off the Sugar Detox Wagon

I ate ice cream today. I justified it because we were getting ice cream to celebrate my son earning 7 stars on his goal chart. I justified it because it’s almost the end of summer weather. I justified it because I’m only 3 days away from the end of my experiment. I even justified it
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Favorite No Sugar and No Caffeine Recipes

To completely stay Paleo with no sugar and no caffeine I’ve had to cook the majority of my meals. I enjoy cooking and during this experiment I’ve discovered some excellent recipes. I’m sharing my favorites to inspire anyone else who is thinking of giving up sugar and caffeine for a while. There is plenty of delicious
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Week 4 Review

The last week of my no sugar and no caffeine experiment is over! While I didn’t experience the cravings I was expecting since my timing was off on my monthly cycle, I did end up cheating a couple of times this past week. Here’s a quick review of the week and what I ate. Again,
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
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