Week 3 Review


This second week of no sugar and no caffeine my goal was to read God’s Word for at least 10 minutes each day. That again didn’t happen. I read my Bible 3 days this past week for about 10 minutes.

I had determined that I would read my Bible after dropping my son off at daycare and that got derailed by other things. Twice I used that time to go grocery shopping, other days I started work a little early, and once I actually took a nap.

I did maintain no sugar and no caffeine. On Thursday this past week we had a company picnic and I think I managed to stay Paleo with no sugar. It’s difficult to know what’s in every ingredient though, and I think something my body doesn’t like may have slipped in because my stomach was cramping for a bit after. I ate a hamburger (no bun) with mustard and lettuce, some salad, and a small piece of unseasoned chicken.

Here’s  a quick review of the week and what I ate. Again, this isn’t comprehensive since I didn’t include all of the snacks I ate each day but it’s pretty close.

Day 15:

Day 15 of No Sugar and No Caffeine

Scrambled eggs with canned pumpkin and smoked salmon, bacon
Banana with almond butter/coconut butter and macadamia nuts
Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo
Salad with broccoli slaw, smoked salmon, radishes, and garlic sauce

Day 16:

Day 16 of No Sugar and No Caffeine

No-atmeal (No Oats Oatmeal)
Sugar Detox Pumpkin Cake in a Mug
Red curry with ground beef, carrots, and spinach
Salad with broccoli slaw, guacamole, bacon, and garlic sauce

Day 17:

Day 17 of No Sugar and No Caffeine

Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo with sliced banana
Sugar Detox Pumpkin Cake in a Mug
Salad with canned salmon and garlic sauce
Leftover red curry with ground beef, carrots, and spinach

Day 18:

Day 18 of No Sugar and No Caffeine

Coconut milk with sliced banana, pecans, macadamia nuts, and pumpkin seeds
Roasted brussels sprouts and bacon
Leftover red curry with ground beef, carrots, and spinach
Sirloin tip steak with carrots (no potatoes, soy sauce, or Worsterchire sauce), roasted brussels sprouts and bacon, kimchi, and mashed butternut squash with butter

Day 19:

Day 19 of No Sugar and No Caffeine

Scrambled eggs with butternut squash and canned salmon
Hamburger (no bun) with mustard and lettuce, some salad, unseasoned chicken (not pictured)
Original Kombucha (1/2 bottle, 8 ounces)
Salad with canned salmon, broccoli, and garlic sauce
Sugar Detox Pumpkin Cake in a Mug

Day 20:

Day 20 of No Sugar and No Caffeine

Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo with coconut butter
Salad with bacon, guacamole, cucumber, and garlic sauce
Green apple
Chipotle salad bowl with carnitas, green sauce, and guacamole

Day 21:

Day 21 of No Sugar and No Caffeine

Pumpkin Pancakes from Practical Paleo with coconut butter
Leftover Chipotle salad bowl with carnitas, green sauce, and homemade guacamole
Cinnamon & Green Apple Mug Muffin
Damn fine chicken, garlic cauliflower “mashed potatoes”, cucumber and heirloom tomatoes with balsamic vinegar

For the final week of no sugar and no caffeine my goal will be to pray and read my Bible whenever I feel cravings. I expect this will be the hardest week since I’m nearing the end and it’s nearing that time of the month where I usually eat a ridiculous amount of dark chocolate. 

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