Week 4 Review: Maintenance Mode


My sister and her family have arrived. The house is a complete mess but we’re having a great time. And really, it’s completely expected. We have twice as many people living here at the moment.

Rainy Shanghai

I’m also really happy with the projects I accomplished this month. I can see how easily it will be to get the house back to the way it was later this week because everything has a place.

The other big change this week is that we’re giving away some of the last big items we had from when our son was a baby. We’ll be giving our glider and co-sleeper to a high school friend who’s having a baby this summer.  So even more space will be freed up very shortly.

All in all this was a productive month. I’m not really sure how this helps me in my larger goal of learning to trust Jesus, but I do think that the reduced clutter will give my mind more space to reflect.

<< Week 3 Review: Crystal Paine’s 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home Challenge