28 Days of Daily Goal Setting


For the month of February my 28 day experiment will be daily goal setting. I ended last month a bit discouraged by the clutter that still remains in my life. After reflecting on the reasons for this I realized that much of the physical and mental clutter comes from living my daily life without intentional goals or purpose.

My tendency is to put my focus on one or two things (sometimes a bit obsessively) often to the neglect of other areas of my life. This is perhaps no surprise given the nature of this blog which has me switching my focus every month as I experiment with different things.

I know it’s not realistic to expect to gain complete control over the many areas of my life (relationships, work, household, etc.). As I’ve just recently been reminded again after the car accident, I am not in control. Even if it was possible to be in control that is no longer my desired outcome. I want to live my life trusting Jesus in all circumstances.

So why experiment with setting daily goals? I don’t think it’s possible for me to follow Jesus without changing my daily habits. I am too easily distracted. I am too easily swept along by the rhythms of the day.

My hope is that by taking time each day to actually write down a few goals that I want to accomplish, I will be forced to think about my priorities each and every day. I’m also hoping that I will more easily notice when I’m starting to neglect time with God or other relationships and can more quickly change course.

So to start this month off these are my goals for tomorrow (Sunday, Feb 2):

  1. Read to my son from Family-Time Bible in Pictures
  2. Read my son 3 other picture books (we have a couple Groundhog Day books)
  3. Make a card with my son for my mom who is coming back from Cameroon tomorrow
  4. Make a card with my son for a friend who is injured
  5. Read and reflect on Psalm 84


Daily Goals for February 3 & 4 >>