28 Days of Removing Clutter

For my first 28 day experiment in 2014 I will be focusing on removing clutter from our home. I’m not one to hold onto stuff but it seems like it accumulates anyway unless I’m very intentional about selling, giving, or throwing away the excess. Ever since my son was born we’ve been intentional about keeping
Category: Removing Clutter
Clearing Out Old and Expired Items

These first few days have been easy so far since I’ve found quite a few items that were very old and/or expired and should have been tossed long ago. Day 1: Expired toiletries and bug spray, hair accessories and nail care items I don’t use, and old makeup case Day 2: Old phone, coffee
Category: Removing Clutter
Making Room on the Bookshelves

I’m an avid reader who finds it hard to believe that it’s actually possible to have too many books. However, I do like to make room for new books so I try to give away books that I know I won’t read again. I also found a few more items from the bathroom and some
Category: Removing Clutter
Getting Rid of Old Containers

This past year I’ve been saving glass containers to use for leftovers so we really don’t need or use our old plastic containers. We kept the plastic containers for our son to play with in the sink and the bathtub but it was definitely time to get rid of some of them. Day 6: Shampoo
Category: Removing Clutter
Cleaning out the Clothes Closet

Quite a few years ago (before my son was born) I learned how to sew and quilt. In my closet I have a large basket full of old fabric and also old clothes that I thought I might one day use to make something new. At this point I think it’s time to let some
Category: Removing Clutter
Donating Necklaces I Don’t Wear

I have a hanger in our bedroom where I put all of my necklaces. While I was looking around for items I could part with I saw the necklaces and realized there were quite a few hanging there that I never wear anymore. It’s time to pass those along to someone who will appreciate them.
Category: Removing Clutter
More Unused Toiletries and Samples

A couple of years ago I was using a lot of coupons and requesting free samples whenever I got the chance. It was well worth the effort because we managed to pay off all of our debt (student loans), not including our mortgage. Quite a few of those samples were never used (surprise, surprise). The
Category: Removing Clutter
When Being Sick Clears Your Head

My plans to clean and organize the areas of our house that typically collect clutter have been thwarted by a cold. Both my son and I have been congested and coughing for the past 4 days. I’m starting to feel much better today and my son seems much better as well. It’s always struck me
Category: Removing Clutter
Week 3 Review

Despite being sick for much of this past week I ended up being quite productive. My goal was to focus on organizing and cleaning areas in our home that typically collect clutter, specifically my desk, the kitchen table, and our bookshelves. Here’s what I accomplished: Put away items that don’t belong on the kitchen table (papers,
Category: Removing Clutter
Action Plan for Removing Clutter on the Computer

My goal this week is to clean up the clutter on both my work and home computers. I’ve outlined my action plan below and what I’ve accomplished so far. ✓ Remove all files from home computer desktop. Either delete them or move them to an appropriate folder under Documents. ✓ Review all unread messages in work
Category: Removing Clutter
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