No Sugar & No Caffeine Archive
Week 4 Review

The last week of my no sugar and no caffeine experiment is over! While I didn’t experience the cravings I was expecting since my timing was off on my monthly cycle, I did end up cheating a couple of times this past week. Here’s a quick review of the week and what I ate. Again,
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Favorite No Sugar and No Caffeine Recipes

To completely stay Paleo with no sugar and no caffeine I’ve had to cook the majority of my meals. I enjoy cooking and during this experiment I’ve discovered some excellent recipes. I’m sharing my favorites to inspire anyone else who is thinking of giving up sugar and caffeine for a while. There is plenty of delicious
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Fell off the Sugar Detox Wagon

I ate ice cream today. I justified it because we were getting ice cream to celebrate my son earning 7 stars on his goal chart. I justified it because it’s almost the end of summer weather. I justified it because I’m only 3 days away from the end of my experiment. I even justified it
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Your Sugar Intake May Affect Your Menstrual Cycle Length

At the end of my week 3 review two days ago I mentioned that I expected this final week to be the hardest because I thought I was about a week away from the start of my period. During this time I usually eat a ridiculous amount of dark chocolate. So imagine my surprise when my period starts
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Week 3 Review

This second week of no sugar and no caffeine my goal was to read God’s Word for at least 10 minutes each day. That again didn’t happen. I read my Bible 3 days this past week for about 10 minutes. I had determined that I would read my Bible after dropping my son off at
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Top 5 Primal and Paleo Resources

When I first decided to try eating primally to see if it would help with my digestion and constipation issues I found Mark’s Daily Apple and read tons of his blog posts and the success stories on his site. As the months went on and I felt so much better I realized much of what
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
How to be Disciplined Every Day

I’ve been struggling with daily discipline a lot lately. In typical fashion I’ve been blaming myself for the areas where I fall short. I’m not reading my Bible enough, I’m not praying enough, I’m not meditating, the house is too messy, my son is going to bed too late again, I’m going to bed too
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Week 2 Review

This second week of no sugar and no caffeine my goal was to read God’s Word for at least 10 minutes each day regardless of whether I was experiencing any cravings or not. I did read my Bible more often but it definitely wasn’t 10 minutes every day. The main problem was that I set
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Come and Rest a While

Since I’m no longer consuming sugar and caffeine I’ve come to really appreciate a good night’s sleep. If I don’t get enough sleep at night, which happens often, I feel the effects differently now. Before this experiment I would get sleepy in the afternoon and I would eat something (like chocolate) or drink some tea
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
Graciously Accepting and Declining Non-Primal Foods

A few weeks ago we took our son to a neighbor’s house for a playdate. It was our first time at their house and they very kindly made homemade pizza for us because they remembered my son telling them that he likes pizza. I hadn’t prepared for this possibility and didn’t handle the situation well.
Category: No Sugar & No Caffeine
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